Monday, April 29, 2013

Exploded Flowers

Fong Qi Wei - Exploded Flowers (2011)

This project is very intriguing! I like how perfectly dissembled these flowers are. it is weird to see them arranged in an almost mechanical way, considering they are considered to be such natural organic forms. It kind of taken a natural and sporadically arranged object and arranging it as if it were an organisational mechanical object. The arrangement of the petals of the flowers are crucial to the meaning of these images. I also have observed how the images relate to their title. They take on a "explosion" effect because of the way the artist arranged the petals based on their scale, as well as the radial arrangement that guides the eye out of the centralized focal point.

1 comment:

  1. WOOOW
    at first I looked at this and was like "cool they used flowers to make a flower" But then I realized it was a whole flower woow I'm sorry this just makes me really excited.
