Monday, April 29, 2013

Typewriter Art!!!

Okay, I am generally quite professional in these posts but wow ok there are people in this world that are so creative that we should all just quit. Okay so look at this drawing and these paintings:

                  Keira Rathbone- Drawing                     Tyree Callahan-Painter

These two astounding ladies work in a medium not typically used in drawing or painting- typewriters. The result is awesome! As a graphic design major, I get pretty excited when someone finds a fun way to use letters. Keira just just that. Her typewriter is not adapted as far as I have read. She simply works with the symbols in front of her to create the textures. To make darker values, she will make the kerning really close together, and for lighter parts, she presses space a lot and puts the symbols and letters further apart.
Tyree's paintings are created with an old Underwood typewriter with paint soaked sponges placed over the pieces of metal that usually would press the letters. they take on a beautifully blended impressionist style look. I love how hazy and unclear they are. They have a pleasant sense of ambiguity to them.

this is the most excited I have been over something in a while. (I want one!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, this is amazing!! It always makes me wonder how people come up with stuff like this
