Monday, April 29, 2013

My favorite "Traditional" Artist

The Papal Palace, Avignon, oil on canvas, 1900, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

The Papal Palace, Avignon, oil on canvas, 1900, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Venice, The Pink Cloud

La Voie Verte

I have always loved the work of Paul Signac. I don't know exactly what it is about them, but I find the way the paintings were produced to be very interesting. The way basic, vibrant, colors in saturated dots can combine to form these images fascinates me. I also love the story of how a lot of them were produced. Signac loved sailing so he would take his boat out and sail all over the Mediterranean to paint boats and harbors. I think his commitment to his work had to be huge to do that. I never thought I could find paintings of boats and water to be so cool. I think that the thing I love the most about them is that he traveled all over with nothing but his little boat and his paints. It must have been strange for the people shipping goods around the sea to see a guy just floating around and painting!

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